Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, 13th November 2009

Today was good.

This morning I kept busy medicating cats, feeding fish/fry, pottering around the house doing the normal things we all have to do, that doesn't seem earth shattering until they're not done. lol

My youngest son had his last School Certificate exam today, (YIPPEE!) and managed to get out of school just after midday. Then he had the brilliant plan to look for a PS3 game that he wondered was out - guess what? he found it - so a few phone calls later we managed to find it locally and went to pick it up.

So of course he then disappeared to play it for a few hours.

Since I am officially taking it easy today, I decided to chat to my friend Hasitha on msn and fiddle around on the computer. When my son resurfaced he found me still trying in vain to set up a slideshow on my aquarium blog. Josh's superpower is computers so needless to say he managed to achieve what eluded me, but I was extremely grateful.

Everybody should check out the slideshow and ooh and ahh appropriately hahahaha -

After that it was off to watch some of Alias (season 5) were we stayed till bedtime. ;)

Night Night, Sweet Dreams


  1. Glad to hear today was the last day for Joshies exams. Since silly work blocks out so much of your blog, ( almost evrything) I thought I would take the time to check it out at home.

    Hugs n kisses.. BFF

  2. Oh, and by the way... I thought I would join you bloggin..
    You can find me over here

  3. YaY so happy that you are blogging again! and I got to be the first comment on your blog hehehe

    Talk to you soon Scott *hugs*
