Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday & Sunday, 5th & 6th December 2009

Josh and I had a ball playing Upwords last night. There is never any hope of us playing with serious people because we cheat outrageously when we don't have any helpful letters. Pinching letters we need off the board, or looking for one in the pile of tiles is all part of the fun. In the end we were also making words up and putting them into sentences in an attempt to justify their legitimacy for example "mons" - a sentence for "mons" went something like this - (said in a Jamaican accent) "I'm going out with the mons tonight, bro" :P

Too tired to do anyting today other than muck around on the computer, chat and play games on the iPod. :P

Spent some time on msn with The Shane today. He asked me last night if I was on Facebook, so I ended up joining today. (O M G everyone's always asking me that!) I tried joining once before but got freaked out because so many people were adding me and alot of them were from my blocked msn list, plus the fact that Facebook showed my last name - I really don't need any stalkers finding me, duh! Besides all that it's just sooo different. Shane said he would RAWR at people if they harrassed me LOL How could a girl refuse an offer like that? ;) So for people who are interested my Facebook account is under Clarissa Jane.

For lunch Josh went up the road to get chips and buns which was pretty yummy. Then later he went to Coles to pick up a box of chocolate Paddle Pops! deeeeeeelicious!!

Pixie has been in a funny mood all day, wandering around, wanting to know what I'm doing. She and Miss Peggie have started rumbling a little now that I have taken Peggie off her anti anxiety tablets. Peggie hates being on those tablets, she just isn't herself at all on them. Now that she isn't on them she is also driving Josh totally insane with wanting attention and Peggie Pat Times (poor Josh).

Gotta tell you it feels weird not having three cats anymore. There is just this huge gap missing. There is no other way to put it.

Tonight went on Persons again and chatted to a few nice guys. Met this one guy, Ben, who was really interesting to talk to and had me in stitches till midnight! O M G I never chat that late! He even promised me a couple of fish tanks he has sitting in his garage doing nothing! How awesome is that!

The funniest thing happened tonight as well - The cats were sitting at the back screen door when without warning Miss Peggie leaps at the screen, starts hissing, hackles all fluffed up - she scared the beejesus out of me and Miss Pixie... While I catch Miss Pixie, Peggie throws herself at the screen door again in a maddened frenzy. I quickly shut the door and holla for Josh to come help. He checks and finds a silver tabby sitting outside. Peggie then takes off like a flash outside after this cat! OMG a mostly black cat outside in the middle of the night, who never goes outside, chasing this poor cat in a pyscho frenzy! Josh amazingly managed to grab her in her manic state and comes back inside proudly telling me his cat slammed the silver tabby into the bins!! LMAO - GO Miss Peggie!!!


Had another quiet day. Though I did manage to get some odd jobs done around the place and Josh filled the dents in the wall that I am painting tomorrow. Josh went for a bike ride over to the vets to pick up some of Miss Peggie's medicated food for me while I started filling the recently repaired tanks with water to water test them for anymore leaks/problems.

In the afternoon Josh and I laid in bed and watched episodes of Firefly. We hadn't seen it for a while and both really like that show. Pity it got canned after one season :(

Ben came online just after 6 tonight so we got to talking till dinner time.

After a yummy dinner of mashed potato with lashings of gravy, Josh and I decided to cool down by going for a walk/bike ride down by the lake again. Just as we were walking out the door Brenda came around to take the garbage out and commented that she hasn't been down the lake track for years so she ended up coming with us! Which was really cool!!

A bit after we got back home, Ben and I started chatting again. Can you believe we chatted till midnight again? LOL I find it so easy talking with him. We often talk of pets, animals, wildlife and got onto the subject of photography... I asked him if he had ever seen the Wildlife Photography Exhibition at the Australian Museum and he hadn't.. I was telling him that the kids and I would be going again this year as it was so incredible last year... and O M G Ben is going to come with us this year! Josh was stunned when I told him because I never agree to met any online guys LOL So yeah all of us are looking forward to it so much! I can't wait!

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